Intuitive Life Coach
Synchronicity – Grace in Action
Deepak Chopra is an author, spiritual teacher, speaker, medical doctor and alternative medicine advocate. He offers valuable spiritual insight on synchronicity stating that, "synchronicity only makes sense if your ontological primitive is consciousness." Well! That's a mouthful, and exactly what does that mean? We, of course - can define primitive as early or basic. {Spiritual} consciousness involves recognition of the mind, soul (heart), and Higher Self. The Higher Self is an aspect of your divinity that resides between the divine light of the I Am Presence and the soul evolving on the Earth plane. It exists to mediate between the two toward evolution. According to Allori (2105), ontology is defined as this:
In general, ontology (pronounced ahn-TAH-luh-djee ) is the study or concern about what kinds of things exist and what entities there are in the universe. It is derived from the Greek onto (being) and logia (written or spoken discourse). It is a branch of metaphysics which is the study of first principles or the essence of things.
To give this concept contrast and perhaps - lend to understanding, Deepak explains that if one is materialistic then matter is the ontological primitive. In this state objects and entities are separate in time and space.
The Greek roots of synchronicity are syn -, “ together,” and khronos, “time.” The term synchronicity is linked to Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalysist. His writings and works of study directly reference this remarkable psychic and physical phenomena.
There are two types of coincidence: random coincidence and meaningful coincidence. Random coincidences seem to have no end meaning or perhaps – we were not aware/awake at time of completion. Meaningful coincidence or synchronicity is much different and is considered to be an a-causal connecting principle. That is when the experience of two or more events have implied or explicit significance which answers, leads, affirms or supports one’s personal thoughts, choices or actions.
In his video, Meaningful Coincidences and Synchronicity (Alewine 2017)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmFyiyJxn9c], Deepak Chopra outlines nine characteristics of synchronistic events in the Vedic tradition.
There is a conspiracy of improbabilities, improbable events, improbable relationships that come together to fulfill subtle intention or a desire that you have. The event seems miraculous and often has a surprise element.
These events are related to each other for meaning or purpose, but there is no direct cause that links the events.
The events are orchestrated in a non-local domain which means not in this dimension of space and time.
When these events occur, they move you into a higher state of consciousness. Deepak associates higher state of consciousness to soul, cosmos, divine consciousness, unity consciousness, and an inseparable communion with the One.
There is always subtle intention that involves you. You may or may not be aware of this. Examples of intention are: letting go, absence of EGO desire, fulfillment of higher purpose or meaning in your life. It is not selfish, and an element of detachment exists.
The events move you into a place of transformation. You are never going to see the world the same way you did before. There seems to be a shift from the personal to the transpersonal to the universal self.
These synchronicities are meaningful and bring great emotional fulfillment. They bring an element of surprise, and element of joy. They open the window to gratitude and love.
As a result of the event, you are very clear about the meaning and purpose of existence. An invitation to join the evolutionary impulse of the universe seems to be extended.
More and more you begin to connect to Source field. Everything is recognized as inseparable. You feel as ONE with all that is.
This connection is often referred to as State of Grace.
Some tips to tap into synchronicity: See the world as an extension of yourself. See relationships as a mirror. Come from a place of detachment. Have clarity of your intentions. Don’t get involved in details and stay centered in your being. Do not get distracted. Don't resist. Don't anticipate, There are no regrets. This moment is as it is. Don't get caught up in melodrama. Be a silent witness. Offer no judgment. Exercise compassion. Keep the body pure, the channel uncorroded. avoid toxic foods. Listen to your body. Maintain balance in all areas of your life. If you experience coincidence, ask yourself what it means. Understand that life is the harmonious interaction of the masculine and feminine. Have a relationship with archetypes. Ask questions. Journal. Surrender. Practice gratitude. Trust. Believe in the unbelievable. Increase awareness. Be present to each moment.Try it out! When a coincidence arises, don’t ignore it. The key is to pay attention and inquire.
Journaling isn’t absolutely necessary, but it helps bring insights and can map the meaning of coincidences.

British Rock Band
Album Synchroncity

The universe, ever concerned about our welfare, sends us subtle signals, prior to an event, and patiently waits for us to interpret.
- Nandini Sarkar.