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“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
                                                                                   â€• Anaïs Nin
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Broken Halo LLC

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 There is no destination to reach on the spiritual path,
     it's an inner journey 
Image by Stephen Leonardi
Awakening is not changing who you are,      but discarding who you are not
                 - Deepak Chopra

     Broken Halo LLC was established March 14, 2010 by Brenda Marie Johnson. The name Broken Halo and the associated registered trademark were inspirational and initially meant to reflect its founder's personal and spiritual journey as a Registered Nurse in Recovery. However, Brenda now believes the beautiful symbology of a closed broken halo can reflect anyone who has overcome insurmountable trials, has healed and utilizes that strength and wisdom in service to another.


    Brenda's recovery process catapulted her right onto a spiritual path igniting an insatiable appetite for the study of mysticism plus varied religious and spiritual texts. Her studies coupled with a dedicated spiritual practice fractured an outdated belief system and created opportunity for a more expansive version - one that incorporates a greater understanding of universal truths and the possibility that other realities or perspectives exist beyond our normal perception and intellect.


     Brenda's shift reflected an expanding and escalating state of awareness and her transformation from that of a five sensory human to one that is multi-sensory which is inclusive of the soul. Her awareness of signs and synchronistic events, visits and visions, intuitive guidance, and evolving psychic experiences reflect a movement or shift toward higher consciousness. It is her belief that this Awareness equates Awakening.


     It is most important to remember that it doesn't matter how Awake one may believe himself to be or more importantly - how Awake others may perceive another to be, spiritual practice is a dynamic force and should continue to reveal new levels of Awakening.


     There is always work and/or refinement to be done.


How I Can Help You...
Life coaching includes all facets of life. Brenda meets her clients right where they are and leads from there.
One On One Coaching
1 hr

Brenda Marie Johnson

Phoenix, AZ 85083

​​Ph: 623-302-0063


For faster response, call or text for appointment(s).


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© 2019 by BrokenHalo LLC

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